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Centrepoint Marketplace
Greetings, Guest Year 26 Day 75, 21:55:41 CGT
Datunda, Selona 4

The Star Wars Combine Banner Exchange
Guybrush Threepwood
Facilitiy Management
Year 20 Day 161
by Supervisor Guybrush Threepwood
The next days I´ll able to calculate the last Income-runs!
Sorry, for the delay, but sometimes there are other things more necessary!
Guybrush Threepwood
Vacation/Holiday Time
Year 19 Day 237
by Supervisor Guybrush Threepwood
I´m currently on vacation/holiday and also I´m only able for accessing internet from time to time. Atm, I could not pay out the current income-fee! I´ll pay out both incomes (last and next month) at once, when I´m back - (big) sorry for the delay!
Guybrush Threepwood
We`re looking for active Pilots!
Year 19 Day 179
by Supervisor Guybrush Threepwood
!Pilots wanted!

Centrepoint Station acts as a trading centre for all beings and groups within the Galaxy. We do not support either side in the current conflict, therefore all are welcome to set foot on our decks.
We offer many facilities and services, from accommodations to provide a long term outpost for some groups, with storage facilities and docking bays, to the would be Bounty Hunter, Stalking his prey and in need of rest or a place to gather, and gain, his resources.

Centrepoint Space Station offers the gateway to the Outer Rim...conveniently located in the Sedri and Ottega System.
If you've ever wanted to travel through the Galaxy with style, earn some cash, and just have fun, then Centrepoint is for you!
We offer first class facilities for guests and staff alike, while entertaining some of the wildest and strangest beings. It`s the rarest chance to join the most exotic station/faction ever, and see the galaxy in style!
You can do all these this and more by hiring on as a cargo captain, delivering cargo to the very edge of the galaxy, flying support for our stations and coming come back, and sharing the tales of your adventures!
Monthly payment of 3,000,000 credits included!

Send your personal data sheet and written application to Guybrush Threepwood via darkness-message right now!
Togan Jano
Absence and Centrepoint Marketplace and Website
Year 19 Day 107
by Governor-General Togan Jano

I have to apologize for my long absence. I have been going through a rough time in the last year, suffering from depression and losing my job.

I have since recovered and am slowly trying to get back into SWC and Centrepoint. Please be patient and don't flood me with messages at this time.

My website host has sold their hosting to another party, causing some problems with the website and database. Most of those problems should now be fixed, however @centrepointstation.com emails still do not work properly.

Please report critical problems with the CPM (and other parts of the website), e.g. error messages or pages being unreachable to toganjano@gmx.net for the time being.

Lastly, I would like to thank Guybrush Threepwood, Kerri Manchester, Lorien Gray and every other Centrepoint member for their past and continued work and anyone else who tried to reach out to me during the past months!

Guybrush Threepwood
Database link!
Year 19 Day 19
by Supervisor Guybrush Threepwood
At the moment you could not reach our database via http://db.centrepointstation.com/
BUT you are able for get some informations via each listing. They have links to the standard SWC-infofield, CSS-databas and to "Recently sold" right next to the entities-type!
Guybrush Threepwood
Year 18 Day 346
by Supervisor Guybrush Threepwood
While we`re working on the login-problems at our market, please use this way for entering the Centrepoint Market:
Set a CPM Bookmark on the CPM-website, then login, then hit the CPM Bookmark again after receiving the error message and normally you should get the access then.
Guybrush Threepwood
Year 18 Day 259
by Supervisor Guybrush Threepwood
This is a reminder that Togan Jano is still MIA, so please direct Centrepoint Space Station questions directly to Guybrush Threepwood. If you need help with Centrepoint Marketplace, please contact Guybrush Threepwood or Kerri Manchester.

Please, don`t use Togan at your listings as your middle of choice at the moment, cause the deal could not be finished while he`s absent. We don`t know when he will return!
So, please use another more active middleman (f.E. from here: http://market.centrepointstation.com/stats.php?show=middles)!
G.Threepwood (CSS)
Guybrush Threepwood
Facility Management & Income
Year 17 Day 317
by Supervisor Guybrush Threepwood
From this moment, Centrepoint Space Station will pay out the Facility Income around mid-month!
Please, make sure that the OP of your facility is still active!
Further we will retrain 10% of future income for this kind of management service.
Togan Jano
Current Absence
Year 17 Day 244
by Governor-General Togan Jano
Due to real live troubles, I am mostly unable to do SWC related work. Please be patient, especially with middles, I do have all required data to complete them once I have time for SWC again. Togan Jano
Togan Jano
Computer Errors Discard Months of Centrepoint-Managed Facility Income
Year 15 Day 303
by Governor-General Togan Jano
Presse Release
Office of the Governor-General

Centrepoint Station, Corellia - Technical staff at Centrepoint Space Station have discovered a severe fault in the computer programs that run Centrepoint Space Station\'s facility income management.

After an inquiry about missing facility income by one of our customers, members our technical staff have discovered an error in the program that handles the income of the thousands of casinos, banks, ATMs, starports and other facilities that are managed by Centrepoint Space Station. This error caused over 50% of the income to be neglected in the calculations, resulting in our customers not receiving all of the income they were entitled to.

The problem has now been fixed and future income should not be affected, however all customers of Centrepoint Space Station are asked to cross-reference the income report with their own inventory to check for missing facilities. Fortunately, backups of the data are available and experts are now working on retrieving the missing data so the financial department can start sending out the missing income. According to Governor-General Jano, who has taken control of the investigation, retrieval of the relevant data is slow and he asks customers to be patient.

The \"late payout\" clause in the facility management contracts is in effect in this case, meaning all customers are entitled to 100% of the income generated for missing facilities. Payouts will start once all data has been retrieved.

Any questions should be directed to the Governor-General directly.

The design and programming of this site and its affiliated sites is © 2005 - 2025 by Togan Jano disclaimer